讲述的是武林人士与素人共处的大背景下,绝世高手与现代生活的奇趣碰撞。这里有“尽其 用”的功夫和充满“烟火气”的大侠:内力充电、古墓直播、健身房修行、金盆洗手发布会、大侠 生娃满月酒,当然也免不了扎马步挤公交、带佩剑过安检……各路英雄豪杰的家常里短,武林人 士的现代日常生活欢歌。这里的江湖更燃——有自由奔放的肝胆豪情,也有驰骋想象、诙谐温暖。 在这里 “武侠”不再是个高远的文化名词,而是一种可以亲近的生活状态、自由的生活风 范、豁达观看和参与世界的心境。
Tells the wulin personage in the context of coexistence with ordinary people, the master and modern life interesting collision. Here are "use it all" kung fu and full of "fireworks" warrior: internal force charging, tomb live, gym practice, give up the old business press conference, Warrior child full moon wine. Horse stance into the bus, with a sword through security...... Family issues of various heroes, modern daily life of wulin personages.
The river's lake here is more burning - there is free and bold courage, but also galloping imagination, humorous warmth.
For the full film,please go to:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=131LYK6NEGY&t=1s