

Ivory Tower


《象牙塔》是Faye飞新专辑《小太空》中的主打歌曲。这是一首韵律感很强的歌曲,我们设想用一艘畅游在星际间的小飞船贯穿整支MV 。伴随着小飞船的航行,我们被带入一个又一个有趣的场景:名画中的五官拼成了不同的面孔、钟表堆成的沙丘、隐藏在蘑菇丛中的飞禽走兽……这期间我们如同跳进了兔子洞的爱丽丝,这些平凡到快被我们忽略的日常,仿佛开始重新鲜活起来。小飞船不断旋转、发光,到最后放掉重负勇敢加速向前,我们也跟着Faye飞一起,完成了一次放掉内心恐惧,突破重重障碍的成长与蜕变之旅。

Release year:2017

Ivory Tower is the title track in Faye’s new album Little Outerspace. We’d like to have a little space shuttle lead audience in the MV of this rhythmical song. The little space shuttle takes audience to marvelous scenes: faces in collage of facial features from famous paintings, clock-piling dunes, and birds and animals hidden in mushrooms. Audience will feel like Alice down the rabbit hole. Trifles almost ignored in our daily life seem to get a new life. The little space shuttle rotates and shines. It in the end shakes off its loads and accelerates. And together with Faye, we enjoy a journey of growth, in which we’ve shaken off fears and broken through.